Bowen State High School is committed to providing a safe, respectful and disciplined learning environment for students and staff, where students have opportunities to engage in quality learning experiences and acquire values supportive of their lifelong wellbeing. We do this through the School Wide system of Positive Behaviour, supporting teachers in developing positive skills for behaviour management through the teaching of the essential skills of classroom management, and ensuring that we provide time and space for everyone at Bowen SHS to understand the schools expectations:
As a Learner
I am Responsible
and Safe
In 2013 Deputy Principal of junior secondary, Ms McCarty created a visual memorial where students could pledge that they would support others and do their best to ensure that all students would feel safe and welcome at our school. The Year level coordinators led the team to develop our school anti bullying policy - STOP, WALK, TALK. This is represented by a single hand as can be seen in the pictures below.
Over the last two years the student and teacher pledges have tripled and as a school we stand united against bullying. If your child feels they are caught up in a cycle of bullying please make an appointment to talk to their Year Level coordinator, a Head of Department or Deputy Principal – Ms Caroline McCarty.