What is a JCE?
The Junior Certificate of Education (JCE) is a school based junior schooling qualification awarded to eligible students at the end of Year 9 on completion of the junior phase of learning.
Students who are not eligible at the end of Year 9 to receive a JCE, JCE Modified or JCIA will receive a Statement of Achievement to recognise their learning journey throughout their Junior phase of learning.
How the JCE works
To be awarded a JCE, students will need to achieve a significant amount of learning, at a set standard that includes achieving a “C” standard or higher, in a number of core/mandated and elective subjects across four semesters in Year 8 and 9.
Year 7 students will track their JCE points but only points achieved in Year 8 & 9 will go towards the JCE.
Course of study
These are organised in (2) categories
Core subjects are mandatory under the Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority. These (5) subjects are studied in Year 7, 8 and 9 by ALL students, ALL year. They are Mathematics, English, Science, Humanities and Health & Physical Education (HPE).
It is also mandatory that students in Year 7 & 8 study a language (Chinese or Japanese).
In Year 7 – Elective subjects are studied on a Term by Term rotational basis. Student’s study 4 electives a year.
In Year 8 – Elective subjects continue to be studied on a rotational basis with students covering Information Communication and Technology, Art, Performing Arts, Agriculture, Home Economics and Manual Arts.
In Year 9 – Students chose 2 electives, each of which are studied for a full year (2 Semesters). The elective subjects offered include: Art, Drama, Wood Work, Metal Work, Graphics, Food Studies, Information and Technology and Business Studies. Each of these electives can contribute 2 JCE points towards a student’s final JCE after passing two semesters.
Planning for a JCE
JCE Planning starts in Year 7 when students undertake their first Student Led Conference and Junior School Reviews. These processes provide parents, staff and students with the opportunity to map their learning journey throughout their junior phase of education. The information is recorded in a student’s Education Plan on One School, where parents, teachers and students themselves can review and monitor throughout their three years of junior schooling. A student’s education plan is monitored and updated as required throughout their three years of junior schooling. A students education plan is monitored and updated as required through the year to monitor progress and recognise achievement.
Core - 1 credit per semester in Year 8 and 9
| Year 82 X sem Max credits | Year 92 X sem Max credits | Overall
Max credits |
Mathematics | 2 | 2 | 4
Science | 2 | 2 | 4 |
English | 2 | 2
| 4 |
Humanities | 2 | 2 | 4 |
HPE | 2 | 2 | 4 |
Language(Year 8 only) | 2 | - | 4 |
Elective - 1 credit per semester in Year 8 and 9
| Year 82 X sem Max credits | Year 92 X sem Max credits | Overall
Max credits |
Elective | 2 | 2 | 4
At the end of each semester students need to have achieved a “C” or higher in their chosen electives to achieve points for their JCE.
Literacy and numeracy requirements
In Year 9, Semester 2 students must achieve a "C" standard of higher, in English and Mathematics.